I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo most of the last several years. Although there’s been some controversy on their stance regarding the use of AI, I had planned on participating again.
I’ve never actually “won” NaNoWriMo. This is due to my pace when writing, and although I always fall short, I still write approximately 40,000+ words during November. Given that my books I’ve published thus far have been novella length, this event has usually gotten me close to finishing a story in a month.
The closest I’ve gotten was my first year participating, when I was writing I’m Not My Father. I finished the first draft 2 days after the competition ended, and probably could’ve finished on the first of December.
The concept behind this event works for me.
So, I was planning on participating once again this year. Please understand, this does not mean that I agree or disagree with their stance on the use of AI. My decision was purely on the motivation it gives me to write a draft for you, the reader.
Also, this year, I wasn’t planning on writing a novel. For anyone who’s been following my blog, you’ll know that my focus the past two years has been script writing. This is going to be my focus this November, writing a new screenplay.
Despite my intentions to submit a project to work on for NaNoWriMo, I am not participating this year. I tried to sign up for this year’s competition on the first, only to continually cycle back to the same error message “Oops, something went wrong!” It was only after I Googled if there was a problem with the website that I even grasped how far reaching the problem was, which was only reinforced when I talked with other writers at my local writing group.
So, I am not officially participating in NaNoWriMo this year. But I am currently working on a project throughout the month (and hopefully finish before December).